Who i am

With over 16 years of cross-functional experience in banking, ministry, and governance beginning within a tight-knit rural community, I have been privileged to learn profound lessons in leadership, authenticity, vulnerability, and a sense of belonging. These roles have allowed me deep insight into the human condition, understanding the hearts of the community, and recognizing the barriers that impede our collective potential.

In my journey, devoid of formal religious ties, I embrace the role of a modern-day Preacher. The ethos of my enterprise, Modern Monk Consulting, is founded on our purpose "Uniting people through their differences to focus on what matters." Each personal narrative I encounter enriches my perspective, fostering a community spirit that thrives on unity, purpose, and collective intelligence.

Modern Monk Consulting aspires to be a beacon of progress, embodying the very essence of our mission. I extend an invitation to you and your team to partake in this voyage of transformative collaboration. Together, we can become the difference we want to see in the world.

Brand Manifesto:

Purpose: "Crafting Tomorrow, Together: Uniting for a Peaceful World."

Vision: Modern Monk Consulting envisions a world where every individual, community, and organization harnesses the power of harmony to create a future that is peaceful, prosperous, and collaborative. We see a tomorrow where decisions are made with a deep sense of shared responsibility, where every step taken is a step towards unity, understanding, and global well-being.


  • Empathy: We put ourselves in the shoes of others, ensuring that every solution is considerate and compassionate.

  • Integrity: Our actions are consistently aligned with our words, upholding the highest ethical standards.

  • Collaboration: We believe in the strength of working together, creating partnerships that transcend boundaries.

  • Inclusivity: Our approach is to respect and value diverse perspectives, fostering a culture where everyone is heard and honored.

  • Sustainability: We commit to strategies that ensure long-term benefits and positive impacts for generations to come.

Promise: Modern Monk Consulting promises to empower our clients with strategies, insights, and tools that not only elevate their operational success but also contribute to a larger societal good. We pledge to be architects of change, co-creating with our clients a future that is grounded in the principles of peace, prosperity, and partnership.

Positioning: In a world of competition and short-term gains, Modern Monk Consulting stands unique as a firm that aligns business success with the harmonious development of society. We bring a unique blend of strategic acumen and ethical consulting to forge paths that others haven't trodden, positioning us at the intersection of innovation, morality, and growth.

Personality: Our brand exudes a personality of wisdom blended with modernity. We are the sage advisors with a forward-thinking mindset, the calm amidst the corporate storm, and the voice of reason when the way forward seems unclear. Modern Monk Consulting is your partner in not just navigating the present but in conscientiously crafting the world of tomorrow.